
Germany’s energy policy: a safe gamble with the loss of industry

In recent years, the energy transition in Germany has become an ambitious goal that promises many benefits on paper. But while the government proudly proclaims that more and more renewable energies are being integrated into the power grid, the downside of this development threatens to engulf German industry.The nuclear phase-out...


Dear Community,In today's article we want to dedicate ourselves to our four-legged comrades. Often enough, the dog is the only companion in the wilderness or an important ally in the performance of our service duties. In this context, situations may arise in which our helper is dependent on help. The...

Social Engineering

In our daily lives, we repeatedly encounter warnings and reports about the devastating effects of successfully applied social engineering. The possible damage ranges from the loss of large sums of money and one's credit rating to the complete destruction of one's existence. Not only in our professional lives, where many...